Horse Riding Sessions
To suit all ages & abilities
Horse riding for everyone!
About our Stables
Set within the traffic-free confines of the Centre and its surrounding 80 acres of woodland and pasture, Clyne Farm Stables is the ideal venue for all levels of riding expertise.
We have a range of horses and ponies who are all constantly trained and assessed for their suitability for all levels of riding experience, age, and physical abilities.
Whether you’re on your own or with a group, you will have a fantastic time riding with us here at Clyne. You’ll get the unforgettable experience of horse riding with a beautiful backdrop of the panoramic view of Swansea Bay and the North Devon coastline.
Clyne Farm Centre is a member of the Wales Trekking and Riding Association (WTRA), adhere to all safety regulations and are inspected annually.
How do I book?
Bookings are taken via our online booking system. We cannot take bookings or make changes over the phone or by email.
Step 1: For full info on how to register & how the system works head over to our FAQs: READ ME FIRST.
Step 2: Then head over to our online booking system
Please plan ahead: Many dates, especially school holidays and weekends, are fully booked to capacity weeks or months in advance. Don’t leave it too late to book! If the dates you want are fully booked it is worth checking back regularly in case there are any cancellations that free up spaces. You can also join the Waiting List for fully booked sessions, just click on the session within the online booking system.
For a description of all riding sessions we offer scroll down…
All lessons are led by our experienced riding instructors and take place in our 20m x 45m all-weather riding arena (resurfaced in 2022).
Group and private lessons:
- Beginner Lead Rein: 30 mins.
– Riders learn how to stop, start, steer, and try some trotting.
– Aimed at riders who need to be led on a lead rein by a member of the team.
- Beginner Off Lead Rein (walk independently): 30 mins.
– Aimed at riders who can in walk; stop and steer independently.
– May need some assistance with steering in trot but have established a rising rhythm.
– Learning how to steer in trot using circles and changes of rein.
– Begin to lead the horses and mount/ dismount with more independence.
- Intermediate (walk & trot independently): 1 hour.
– Aimed at riders who are beginning to progress with exercises, developing their understanding for technical terminology.
– Able to walk and trot independently, change the rein and circle.
– First canters with the more experienced in this grouping towards the end of lessons.
– Introduced to pole work and jumping (these are optional).
– Learning to mount and dismount independently with adjusting stirrups and girths.
- Advanced (walk, trot & canter independently): 1 hour.
– Aimed at riders who can walk, trot and canter.
– Working towards having complete control in all three paces as well as have an understanding for the horses’ way of going.
– There is the option for more jumping exercises.
Our Introduction to Ponies sessions are suitable for all abilities 2 years plus.
First you start by getting to know your pony by giving them a groom (brushing their body, mane and tail) to get them ready for your ride. Then you will go for a led walk across Clyne Common. On your return you will be able to reward your new friend with a tasty treat.
A led walk is a great option for all riders. A great opportunity for all ages and abilities to ride together.
The horse or pony will be led by a member of the team on foot (experienced riders will not be led but will stay with the group at walk). Most of our led walks take place across Clyne Common.
A 15 min led walk is suitable for 2 years plus. It is a great place to start for a taster session.
A 30 min led walk is suitable for 3 years plus.
For young children, we ask that a parent/guardian walk beside them.
The majority of our hacks take place in Clyne Valley Country Park or across Clyne Common, with stunning views over Swansea Bay. We do not offer beach rides.
We are not a trekking centre.
To hack out you will need to be able to ride at Intermediate level at least. This means you can ride independently & control your horse/pony at both walk and trot as a minimum.
Safety is paramount, so all riders will be assessed for their suitability prior to hacking.
Group or private hacks:
- Intermediate (walk & trot independently).
- Advanced (walk, trot & canter independently).
Our Adopt a Pony sessions are a great way to learn all about what it entails to have and look after a pony.
These sessions run during the holidays and are either a Half Day or Full Day Adopt a Pony.
Half Day Adopt a Pony:
- Suitable for ages 6 years plus. (Note: Children under 8 years old will need to be accompanied by an adult).
- Sessions run 9:30am-12pm or 1pm-3:30pm.
- During the 2 and a half hours, riders will learn about yard safety, meet and groom their pony, tack up, ride for 30 minutes in a group lesson, untack, take part in a stable management session and feed their pony a treat.
- There are half days intended for riders who are on the Lead Rein. There are different half days planned for riders who are Off Lead Rein through to Advanced. You will only be able to see and book sessions suitable for your grading on our booking system.
Full Day Adopt a Pony:
- Suitable for ages 8 years plus.
- These days are aimed at riders who are riding Off Lead Rein (able to stop and steer independently in walk) through to our Advanced riders.
- Sessions run 9:30am-3:30pm.
- During the 6 hours, riders will learn about all aspects of horse care, fully groom their pony. Learn about tacking up and ride for 1 hour in a group lesson.
- Throughout the day there will be stable management sessions (for example topics may include: plaiting, feeding, points of the pony, colours and markings, rugs and rugging, saddles and bridles).
- Learn how to turn out the horses and ponies before resetting their stall by filling their haynet, giving them fresh water and mucking out.
- Lunch will need to be supplied by parent/guardian.
- In addition, they will meet and greet the other animals on the farm and get to help care for them too!
Minimum booking numbers apply in order for Adopt A Pony sessions to run. Therefore bookings may be cancelled by us if these minimum numbers are not reached.
A unique experience, suitable for young riders and unicorn lovers, from 5 years plus.
The first part of the session is spent decorating a pony. This includes creating a horn, adding glitter to their hooves, plaiting ribbon into manes and tails and turning them into a unicorn.
The second part of the session involves going on a magical led walk on their unicorn across Clyne Common, with stunning views over Swansea Bay.
The memorable experience is 1 hour long.
Horse and Pony Care sessions cover all aspects of horse care and stable management. They are suitable for all abilities, ages 5 years & older.
Here at Clyne Farm we feel that it is vitally important that all riders know how to care for a horse or pony as well as ride.
The sessions cover all aspects of horse and pony care including grooming, hoof care, plaiting, feeding, watering, tacking up (putting on saddles and bridles), how to put on a rug, how to safely lead a pony, mucking out, stable design, looking after your fields, anatomy, horse health and first aid, clipping, trimming and much, much more. Our knowledgeable instructors are here to pass on their experience. The sessions are perfect for all riders, but especially those who are considering taking on the responsibility of owning their own horse or pony.
Under 5 years old? No problem we can offer simple grooming sessions or we can break out the sparkles and ribbons and turn the ponies into unicorns. The ponies love the fuss and attention they get from being pampered.
We have weekly Horse and Pony Care sessions. During school holidays we hold sessions with a specific topic chosen as advertised.
Some sessions can be tailored to suit customer’s specific topic requests.
Horsemanship – Halter to Hoof
These sessions are grade-specific and comprise of 30 minute horse and pony care, and a 30 minute ridden lesson.
During the school holidays, we offer some specialist sessions to give riders a taster of different disciplines within horse riding.
Mounted Games
– Fun races at varying speeds, including weaving in and out of blocks, picking up and dropping off items.
Introduction to Dressage
– Set riding movements put together to form a routine.
– Riding over a variety of poles on the ground.
Prix Caprilli
– A combination of dressage movements with some jumps included.
Introduction to Show Jumping
– Small jumps using the coloured poles.
– Tackling different obstacles in a specific order, at varying speeds. E.g. opening a gate, figure of 8 around barrels, going over a jump.